Current Board of Directors

Franklin Hernandez has 23 years of work experience. Franklin opened his business, Luz Supermarket, in 1999 and is still in business at this same location.

President, Franklin Hernandez

Alicia Pimentel has practically spent most of her life in Camden. She currently owns Pimentel Grocery, a business which has been in the family for 40 years!

Secretary, Alicia Pimentel

Luis Aguilera has worked in Camden for many years. At the moment, he currently owns and manages Aguilera Grocery in Camden, NJ.

Organization Director, Luis Aguilera

Treasurer, Orlando Aguilera

Orlando Aguilera has over 20 years of work experience in Corner Stores. Currently, Orlando has owned his business, O&C Supermarket for 12 years!

Jose Medina has over 3 decades of work experience. He began his journey in the 1990s with a small business in Jersey City. He now owns a small business in downtown Camden.

Vice-President, Jose Medina